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Old Posted Apr 23, 2017, 5:17 PM
Jimmy James Jimmy James is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 54
On skywalks

First of all, I'm with Macca and Echoes on this - not a fan of skywalks, generally.

I could see a link from Scotia Centre to Midtown, and Midtown to the Scotia Bank theatre. However, the layout of our downtown and the way our office buildings are dispersed doesn't currently allow for the construction of many skywalks.

Our small buildings on second and third avenues are not made to accommodate skywalks and I would hate to see a skywalk across either of those streets. The buildings on fourth avenue like the Federated building, Saskatoon Square, the MNP building, and the Sturdy Stone Centre could be connected, but for what? Parking? There is no food court or indoor gathering space on that side of the downtown to justify it.

For the main downtown office buildings to be connected, it would likely need to be similar to Winnipeg with a series of tunnels in addition to skywalks. Perhaps when (if) North Prairie builds on their property between 3rd and 4th and if someone would build an office building on the lot on the corner of 22nd and 3rd beside the Drinkle No. 3, both sides could be linked up. It would also require a significant investment from taxpayers for something like this, which is something I can't see happening.
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