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Old Posted Feb 25, 2017, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Restless 1 View Post
So no new construction DT should include parking? In a city as sparse as San Antonio, and as reliant on tourism as we are?

Until we have a system of public transportation adequate enough to get people where they want to go, when they want to get there, that is fool's gold.

Or don't you want DT businesses to make any money from the 'burbs? If DT remains a colossal butt whip, then retail will remain hard to find. Most of SA lives outside the urban core. We are not now, nor ever will be, an Eastern sort of city. That train left a long time ago.
With every parking garage we build we are reinforcing the single passenger vehicle as the dominant mode of transit. Every dollar spent on cars is a dollar withheld from investment in mass transit options. It doesn't need to be this way, but belief systems like yours need to change before there is progress.

We can keep doubling down on the most inefficient, most polluting, and most deadly transportation option (that cannot realistically continue the way it is long term), or we can start investing in other ways to get around. We can't do both.

What do you mean by "sparse"?
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