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Old Posted Mar 7, 2023, 11:00 PM
zalf zalf is offline
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Originally Posted by esquire View Post
I get that the PCs are doing the same thing that the NDP did to them (in their case it was make a bunch of spending promises that they knew the Tories would have to walk back). But they have consistently focused on tax cutting. Which maybe makes sense if you are Alberta or Ontario. But in a province like Manitoba it is absurd... getting the thousand bucks back or whatever is nice, but why not put it towards any number of important things that are starved for resources instead?
The charitable interpretation is that individuals know how best to spend their own money, and that by raising the bottommost bracket, the income tax regime is now definitionally more progressive. Economists pretty often agitate for scrapping paternalistic welfare programs that constrain how and when and on what people can spend their subsidies, and replacing those systems with just giving people cash.

That being said, I do actually think that the province has enough collective action problems that can only be solved by government spending that this tax cut is a bad idea; transit and healthcare spring to mind. But the above would be the devil's advocate case.
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