Thread: The Dad Thread
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Old Posted Nov 3, 2022, 4:41 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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It's obvious that I'm quite a bit older than most here. My Daughter and Son are 30 and 26 respectfully. They are well on their way in their chosen careers (Archivist and Radio Personality) but there appears to be no grandchildren on the horizon (I'm sooooo ready to be grandpa!)

While my kids were growing up I was a sea going naval officer so I feel I wasn't around enough to be an overbearing father. But from what I'm told by my children they took my sayings to heart - "Bad news never get better with age" "Be aware that the kid at the till has no control of the cost of anything they are selling, so don't be an asshole". There are few others but you get my drift.
But in the end I give most of the credit to my ex-wife and even when we divorced we are still friends and our kids really appreciate that and is reflected in their (mostly) positive outlook.

Oh one more thing, if your kids are into sports please don't be the jackass parent in the stands or sidelines yelling advice to your child or coaches. Or even worse getting into fights, nothing damages a child's psyche more than a parent that publicly embarrasses them.
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