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Old Posted Aug 30, 2022, 4:24 PM
forward looking forward looking is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 338
Before crapping all over San Antonio,

Whether or not a train tunnel would upset the recharging process of the Edwards Aquifer is not an- environmental study. This water recharge is an underground process. An analysis that I am not so sure of coming to fruition successfully, at all. Perhaps. It is as whimsical an idea as can be come up with by Musk for our area. Ever think of this?
I would be completely behind this crack ball idea if it were not for the possible danger to the water supply as the result of a billionaires newest
great idea. Maybe Musk is crapping all over himself instead.
I do not think small. I have seen much larger ideas than this brought to their completion.
Maybe some of the prodigious amount of rock dust, which would be a by product of drilling through solid rock, would work its way into the aquifer.
Perhaps, going even further into supposition, localized flooding might occur as a result of obstructing an undetected rock fissure with a miniature train tunnel. These are some of the merits I am thinking of.[QUOTE=Restless One;9713811]Quite frankly, SA has a history of crapping on itself. We think small. We have a billionaire, (whether you like him or not), willing to put up his own money on an underground thoroughfare from the airport to DT, and instead of listening and weighing it's merits, most on this forum just shut it down outright.
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