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Old Posted Aug 29, 2022, 9:10 PM
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esquire esquire is offline
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I would never expect the MJHL to take the Manitoba sports scene by storm, but it could certainly be more than it is. It looks like it is taking root to some extent in southern Manitoba, though... Steinbach and Winkler are reasonably well supported despite playing in junky arenas, at least compared to the newer breed in places like Dauphin and Portage. Adding Niverville to the mix with their new barn will build off that.

It's tough for the Winnipeg teams to get any support in a crowded market, though. I went to a couple Blues and Freeze games last season and there were probably around 100 people at each. The hockey is good but there is no atmosphere really. It looks like there's really just family and friends in the stands, not that dissimilar from my kid's minor hockey games.
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