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Old Posted Aug 2, 2022, 4:05 AM
ToxiK ToxiK is offline
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Originally Posted by MonctonRad View Post
I would say that many anglo-Canadians have a love affair with the culture and cuisine of Quebec, but almost none would actually move there (for obvious linguistic reasons).

As you know, most anglo-Canadians fit right in with the dominant North American milieu, and are therefore steadfastly unilingual. This makes almost everywhere in Quebec a non starter, and, it seems like Quebec is becoming increasingly more hostile to anglophones all the time. Things are certainly much more restrictive now than they were in 1970.

It makes you wonder what things will be like in 20 years time? The next step could be to issue photo ID cards to the remaining old stock English population of the province, to be used to prove that they are eligible for services in English. No card, no service...........

I could see this happen. (Papers please).............
That would be total fascism. Asking identification papers to get services, that is terrible. What would be next? Demanding a card to get free healthcare or a licence to drive a car? We would never see that In Canada, that is for sure (unless Trudeau allows it happens)!
"Monster," I shrieked, "be thou juggler, enchanter, dream, or devil, no more will I endure thy mockeries. Either thou or I must perish." And saying these words I precipitated myself upon him.
A. Square
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