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Old Posted Mar 1, 2022, 5:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Steely Dan View Post
i've definitely heard of induced demand, but the proposed I-290 rebuild in chicago isn't so much about increasing overall peak capacity as it is about eliminating unnecessary chokepoints and dangerous, outdated center-style entrance/exit ramps.
Oh so exactly like the 45N rebuild in Houston.

that's a reasonable compromise that i can get on board with. if they were talking about eminent-domaining a whole new swath of city to expand it into to some 16 lane monster with 5 express and 3 local lanes each way, THAT i would be very much against.
Chicago already has quite a bit of expressways on every side of town that's already done what you're talking about.

Originally Posted by mhays View Post
Most people drive in my region too, and our roads are jammed. But we've made a choice to spend most capital construction dollars on transit vs. SOV capacity. Houston's approach died here in the 70s. And thank the voters it did.
If Houston had the ability to tunnel a reconstructed freeway like Seattle or Boston they'd do it. At the end of the day we're talking one additional traffic lane each way, and 3 additional HOV lanes. You realize Houston voters also approved more transit right? They have in every election since 2004.

Folks keep trying to compare their metro to Houston even though Houston is the one that is top 5 in domestic migrant + international migration growth, AND has some of the highest births in the nation. You can't compare a metro that grows by well over a million people every 7-9 years to others doing half that number in twice the amount of years. Transit investment has been made all over the city. Can more be done? Sure and there's a lot in the pipeline, but it would be absolutely foolish to neglect a dangerous heavily used intown freeway. I'll say it again, 45N has the highest accidents per mile in America between 610 and BW8. Sometimes we gotta get over our "urban everything" fetish and realize there's other modes of infrastructure too, especially when safety is involved.
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