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Old Posted Dec 28, 2021, 8:55 AM
Marshal Marshal is offline
perhaps . . .
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,487
Fully agree ssiguy.

I don't really commute much, and I use transit (Skytrain - a bus if you put a gun to my head) and cycle/walk a lot. My wife has a Tesla and my next vehicle will be electric (with MIN 500Km range).

With privilege acknowledged, I support electrification, but we need an electric people's car - not just affordable, but cheap. I think transit is critical. And we need to incorporate all the electric scooters, assist bikes and other personal modes coming on line.

Architects have a voice in how all these modes can be integrated successfully with the built fabric. A longstanding issue remains, and that is parking. The trend to build high density residential with reduced parking is short sighted. Municipalities need to reconsider this. Cars are not going anywhere, and when electric vehicles become affordable and fully replace combustion cars, they will be extremely popular. Their numbers may make what we have now look small scale. As ssiguy notes, people love driving. If there is a way to do this without being a climate threat, well, it will be business as usual. The only hope of keeping it manageable is to seriously fund and integrate the other options. This means in the cities, but also between cities.

Last edited by Marshal; Dec 28, 2021 at 9:10 AM.
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