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Old Posted Oct 25, 2021, 3:27 PM
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Acajack Acajack is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDartmouthMark View Post
Yeah, I know... I've been on 'the internet' for 25-ish years, so I'm aware of the dynamics of these platforms. I know it's a few people speaking for the many, however when you hear the same themes over and over again with references that these are popular ideas in the majority of the province, you have to think there's something to it (i.e. the smoke and fire analogy).
I sometimes get comments à la "you're just speaking for yourself" but if one looks at the Quebec government's statements and positions, their electoral fortunes, public opinion polling, I am not really just speaking for myself on here.

And on rare occasions, I even put something out there that I see as the majority view in Quebec, even if I don't share it personally.

Originally Posted by dleung View Post
^^What happened to "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" lol.

Nothing edgy about being a hypocrite lol, you are simply against SJW stuff if it means your in-group loses some advantage, and pro SJW logic if your in-group were disadvantaged in some way.
Because it's 2021.

Originally Posted by OldDartmouthMark View Post
Fair comments, and I wasn't intending to go into a deep dive into topics like required bilingualism in the federal public service (or federal politics, for that matter), but yes that's a good example.

The bolded comment... why should there be a feeling that a concession needs to have a cost or take something away from the ROC in order to be considered valid? I've always thought the best concessions would be ones that are offered out of understanding and inclusion rather than the ones forced upon the country. Of course there will always be conflict and 'forced' concessions, but those are also the ones that tend to make the country seem more divided and less 'together' although I do realize that sometimes they are necessary.
I don't disagree. It's just that if you listen to some people talk, it seems like bilingualism on cereal boxes is some type of onerous costly concession that "Canada" has made to "Quebec".

As I said, even if Quebec had become independent in 1995, Corn Flakes boxes in Lethbridge would still have French on them in 2021.
The Last Word.

Last edited by JHikka; Oct 25, 2021 at 3:32 PM. Reason: triple
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