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Old Posted May 16, 2021, 10:36 PM
Draftsman Draftsman is online now
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
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Chipped Concrete Curbs

As with anything, these things are built at the cheapest cost possible.

The easiest way to get around this, is what the City has been doing on many busy, main streets (ie: Broad Street), which is eliminating the centre boulevard altogether. This gets rid of the ugly, chipped concrete, and would make it easier for street plowing/cleaning. In doing so, they could widen the sidewalks and/or curbs a bit and perhaps add landscaping on the sides (at least more than what little bit we have now). It also aids emergency vehicles to get through during heavy traffic (remember those 15 minutes pre-covid?)


The City could involve one of our local engineering companies to come up with a proper curb design for all major streets that would incorporate a steel plate of sufficient thickness that has a rolled edge on top, and has anchors on the back side that get imbedded in the concrete. Yes, I am well aware that the City used to do this years ago, but those too got peeled back by the strong steel blades of the snow removal equipment, however, it is my belief that these plates need to be welded together as one continuous piece. The vertical backsides at each joint should be bevelled, allowing for a stronger weld, preventing them from 'catching' on a grader blade for example. I don't even think that this was done on the earlier types. This will definitely cost more money, but in the long run, the curbs will hold up better and longer.

I'm no engineer, but as my name states, I was a draftsman (as it was called back then) working in the steel industry. I'm sure there will be negative opinions, which is fine, but I would be interested to hear others' opinions. Thanks!

Last edited by Draftsman; May 16, 2021 at 10:41 PM. Reason: Added heading
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