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Old Posted Dec 27, 2020, 2:35 AM
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Labroco Labroco is offline
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Originally Posted by Biff View Post
4) CentreVenture or some form of government had to be involved in the Market
Lands project due to the caveat on the southern portion of the site remaining part of the public realm. I believe the rest of the site is being marketed as you mentioned is open to development proposals.

But that portion could have been recreation for Red River College or community green space and be done with it. The balance of the site to be sold without all the preconditions of CV development agreements. Realty taxes would be flowing by spring time.

Let the planning department determine appropriate use not CV. It’s not their mandate to do so! Millions have been spent so far on consultants and “community consultation” and they have no funding yet to build anything that I’m aware of or has been announced.

Stop competing with building owners in the area by providing brand new government subsidized commercial and retail space. You will never fill these beautiful historic buildings when government subsidized space floods the area.

Provide $20,000,000 for masonry repairs, windows, roofs, electrical, elevators and plumbing...

Best wishes over the holidays ...
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