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Old Posted Nov 7, 2020, 2:52 AM
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Originally Posted by BrutallyDishonest2 View Post
I'll probably vote for Masters... but not because I'm in love with her campaign. Mostly because I think we just need change and she's the most reasonable alternative.

Fougere isn't outwardly awful, but on the inside of the city he is horrible. He's spiteful and makes city administration's life horrible. Because he is only one vote, the way he makes changes is by undermining decisions and quiet subterfuge that makes working at the city awful.

All you have to do is watch a few council meetings and you can see that Fougere really has no idea what's going on. He focuses on a few things, then is oblivious to what is going on.
So you've made public claims about someone's personal character and work ethics and then when asked to clarify you give vague non-answers. Perfect.

On another note, if it is true that Sandra Masters is funded by someone who doesn't live in the city, chooses to have most of his major company located outside city limits and wants to build that fugly building in the park, then my vote won't be for her.
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