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Old Posted Sep 15, 2020, 4:15 PM
jd3189 jd3189 is offline
An Optimistic Realist
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Originally Posted by isaidso View Post
But that's just it. The developed world, for the most part, doesn't want desperate people. The number of young, well educated/skilled people looking to emigrate is finite and those people are increasingly looking elsewhere. In order to plug the oncoming demographic hole, the US will likely need to bring in those 'desperate' people. Other smaller countries (Australia, NZ, Canada, Sweden, etc) facing the same demographic challenges will have an easier time mitigating low TFR with the type of migrants they want.
As the developing world develops, it’s only going to get worse for the US and Europe. Africa is rapidly industrializing, China and much of East Asia outside of Japan are increasing their quality of life. Latin America will eventually see a turn-around.

It’s an interesting topic too, considering that a lot of people in the Western World don’t want people from the developing world to come here and compete with them for resources. Yet, the West may need these people to maintain growth.

It’s gonna be interesting how things will progress this century. As for the future domestic growth of the US, I am now solid in my belief that the non-Hispanic White population will be a minority while Latinos will take their place. I’ve seen many babies and kids during my time doing a rotation at a pediatric clinic and most of my patients are probably of Mexican descent. Yeah, this is just in Southern California, but I can see the trend projected across the country. Even as the US declines a bit, it will not be the same country that the older generation knew.
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