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Old Posted Aug 30, 2020, 9:15 PM
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Took a bunch of photos yesterday and in the past couple weeks in a rocky outcrop neighbourhood next to downtown - the Rockland neighbourhood in Victoria. I'll post more in the Victoria thread in Found photos, but for now here's a few.

It's nice to be able to step off a busy road and then be in a totally different world - with narrow stone lined roads in some areas, no sidewalks in some areas, and overgrown gardens with mansions hidden behind. Many of the larger homes have now been divided up into a dozen different living units, the truly wealthy prefer oceanside mansions.

Craigdarroch by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Night Moods by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

The original Government House (where the Lieutenant Governor of BC resides) burned down decades ago, but is still a massive estate with gardens and wild meadows in the back overlooking the ocean). It's where William and Kate spent a week as their home base while touring BC and Prince George had his 6th birthday party, inviting some of the local kids.

From Afar by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

For BC residents it was also the sight of some political drama on the night of June 29th, 2017

The media watches by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Live Coverage by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Front yard trees by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Rockland and Terrace by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Rockland and Terrace home by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Rockland home by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Rockland and Camosack by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Ok, to keep this within the subject of skyline - the condo in the picture above can be seen at the upper right corner of this shot by Gary Hoyer. You can see the higher ground rising up.

DSC08364_DxO by Gary Hoyer, on Flickr

Mountbatten by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

House in Rockland by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

A White House by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

New Home by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Rockland horse hitching post by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Rockland Ave by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Rockland narrow road by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Modest Wood Fence in Rockland by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Across from Craigdarroch Castle by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

Rockland Joan Cres by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr

March - before the ivy returns by JohnnyJayEh, on Flickr
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