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Old Posted Jun 25, 2020, 8:51 AM
ToonTownRob ToonTownRob is offline
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Posts: 61
Originally Posted by alt_center View Post
Sorry but 10 ft per floor * 25 = 250 ft = 76m

Lets be generous and assume two double height floors in podium:

27 * 10 = 270 ft = 82m

Lets be realistic... 9 ft floors and two 1.5 height floors in podium:

26 * 9 = 234 ft = 71m

(plus mechanical)

No way this thing (things?) is (are?) coming close to 90m let alone 80m.

...all my humble opinion of course.
Alt, you’re right on with these numbers. It used to be that a commercial tower would be 10-11 feet per storey, and a residential building 9’ per storey.

River Landings commercial towers at 4m/13’ per average floor plus the glamour floors at the base and top is what gets us the tallest building in the province with only 18 floors (meh). I liked it a lot better when it was the original 95 meters, now it looks squat to me.

With regard to the renders of larger windows and pining away for more glass on this project, as a residential designer, those renderings are truly unrealistic for apartments. As drawn, those ‘windows’ would represent floor to ceiling, wall to wall glass in every bedroom. Consider their scale next to the large balconies in the actual drawings. In apartment sized rooms (usually smaller than condos) furniture placement and privacy are just about impossible to well achieve with a glass curtain wall. The door and closet on the opposite side, along with circulation space can make it pretty tough to have a usable room without putting anything up against the third wall, which is usually cold in a Sask. winter. So it has to be a wall with a window, not just a window. The developer has to be able to rent these out at a profit, not count on rich buyers who will pay the high utility costs because they can (unlike renters) afford them. The new NBC also makes things tough energy wise for lots of fenestration.

Lastly, let’s get a big freaking dose of perspective here! Up until River Landing started 5 years ago, there hadn’t been a 70m + building built in Saskatoon in 30 years! 30 years! We had basically nothing to talk about on a forum called skyscraper page. Then, miraculously 4 beautiful Class AAA towers go up at once? Wow! But check my calendar... Thanks guys, that used up Saskatoon’s quota for the next 25 years! I’m prepared to go back into hibernation again...

And then Baydo announces not one, but TWO, TWO towers in one! (Anybody remember the mint Commercial?)

What the heck? Could Highpoint even happen too? Check my phone and Google maps! Am I even in the right city?

River Landing’s dream buildings won’t be the last noticeable new buildings with any height in this construction sleepy town? Baydo is actually digging? Unlike the vapor projects of North Prairie, Lake Placid, and before them Remai Developments (but God bless them for the gallery contributions!)?

I won’t have to go through construction crane withdrawal in downtown Saskatoon?

Hot damn! Only one in ten is going to make Architectural Digest. Give me six more ‘commie’ blocks so at least we have a shot at another gem getting built some time!

This is freaking Saskatoon! Land of no height buildings, parking lots, and spreading out as far as the eye can see! Where NOTHING has been happening for a quarter of a century!

Two 25 storey towers? Bring ‘em on!!!
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