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Old Posted Feb 20, 2020, 6:06 PM
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Originally Posted by laniroj View Post
I'm referring to the many entities which own land near TOD sites that are controlled by current, and now former, RTD employees. They had a hunch the fasttracks would pass and they speculatively bought ground - I'm all for it and applaud them because they could have lost their bums! In my own experience, many TOD adjacent land owners are ready to cash out, but most of them want to sell at a TOD price without TOD zoning. Some areas have the zoning in place but I'd say most do not (definitely outside CCD). That's the land availability conundrum I often refer to.

The dredging of the Platte for River Mile is eternally exciting to me, would be so great to activate that river moreso than today. I swear I saw an old picture once which showed steam ships on the Platte adjacent to dtown. I'll see if I can dig it up. Anyone else recall having seen that? I am doing a project now on a river and am two years in - not super efficient working with the federal government on all that stuff, so I'm sure River Mile has many years ahead before they dredge - but I do hope they leave the dredge in place after!

Fun note, there also used to be steam ships on Sloan's Lake! I say we park a steam ship on Sloan and start casino gambling again (can you imagine that Council hearing?!?!). It wouldn't even have to pay property taxes!
Ah sorry; I had no clue about any of that so I assumed what I was aware of.

River Mile is definitely exciting to think about but looks to be a very slow slog from here to there. Props to steam ships.
Cool... Denver has reached puberty.
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