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Old Posted Nov 13, 2019, 11:18 AM
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SignalHillHiker SignalHillHiker is offline
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Originally Posted by esquire View Post
Anyway, re SHH's post, I admit it's been a long time since I've been to NL (20 years this spring, definitely due for another visit), but I don't remember the city looking quite so European. Some strong Euro vibes happening there.
Unless you arrive by cruise ship, it won't feel that way. Outside of the very small core, it's the worst of North American urban planning (or lack thereof), architecture, etc. It's just brutal. I mean, this is less than a minute driving outside the core:

If you live and work downtown, it's wonderful - small but active, artsy, engaging. But if you're anywhere else... no. If I lived in, say, Mount Pearl and worked in one of the industrial or big box areas, and only ended up downtown with a specific reason to go there... I can't think of a city I'd want to live in less. All the shit of being out in, say, Mississauga with absolutely none of the benefits.
Note to self: "The plural of anecdote is not evidence."
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