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Old Posted Oct 31, 2019, 8:42 PM
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JManc JManc is offline
Dryer lint inspector
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Houston/ SF Bay Area
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"Sunbelt" was coined in the late 60's when people were really starting to move to cheap warmer climates...which included California but like any lexicon, language evolves and what might have been considered sunbelt back then doesn't necessarily mean the same thing today. I would not consider Jackson, MS a sunbelt city simply because it's warm and sunny. Nor would I Los Angeles. Again, in the 50's and 60's absolutely when people from all over were moving to Southern CA in droves. It's not really just a geographical term. Nor is the Rust Belt a geographical term. Ohio was ground zero for rust but Columbus was spared. It's not so black and white...
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