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Old Posted Sep 19, 2019, 1:15 AM
Shawn Shawn is online now
Join Date: Jul 2001
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Yeah guys, this is a great thread. I’m loving doing Streetview tours of these Chicago burbs. Streetcar suburbs are some of the best places in the country. Agreed you’ll find the best and most extensive numbers in NYC, Chicago, Boston, and Philly.

Baltimore should have some great ones too, no?

I know it’s pedantic, but for me Brookline is a true suburb while Cambridge and Somerville are core Boston. And this is why Brookline is so special; Cambridge and Somerville are two of the densest, most uniformly urban municipalities in the US, whereas Brookline ranges from this level of urbanity (Coolidge Corner at 60,000 pp sq mile) all the way to genteel New England rolling country club hills (Oak Hill at a few $30 million estates per sq mile), and everything in between, all closer to downtown Boston than anywhere in south Dorchester or Hyde Park are. And all thanks to Brookline’s historic repeated rejections of Boston’s merger plans.

I’ll Streetview link these later for you, but some other nice Boston streetcar burbs to check out that 1Boston didn’t already list up:

Classic streetcar burbs:

Streetcar city?

Best once independent city which is now a streetcar suburb to visit in October:
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