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Old Posted Aug 21, 2019, 6:23 PM
LouisVanDerWright LouisVanDerWright is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr Downtown View Post
Except that it doesn't. Fenestration is more than the size of the openings.

You've got a window that's two-thirds bricked in, as if that fools anyone, and another on the end that's only a half-window. In a cantilevered overhang. And they're all huge sheets of plate glass rather than double-hung windows with divided lights.
The architects of those buildings would have killed to have the ability to install full size plate glass windows with no double hung. You whine about the interior dictating the fenestration while completely ignoring the fact that the fenestration you want aped so badly was also dictated by interior factors like ventilation which are irrelevant in modern building design. The Chicago window existed to create airflow, not because it was the aesthetic choice of the era. Just look at CPS or Reliance to see what architects of the time were really jonesing to do. They wanted as much glass as possible and would have made it one solid plate glass square if that were an option.

I didn't realize "better than a parking lot" was now the test for whether a new building is judged appropriate in a landmark district.
It's not, but neither is "let's make it fake old" because I might knock over my walker in shock if I see anything that doesn'te havee ane ee ate thee ende ofe ite...
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