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Old Posted Aug 9, 2019, 5:17 PM
Denvergotback Denvergotback is offline
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Posts: 195
I'm sorry Obadno, I used to live in Phoenix and I love the city, but lets face it, the skyline blows. it looks like the office complex in Denver, DTC, and even that might have more office space than downtown PHX...

Again I love the city of Phoenix, but posting beautiful pictures of the city in every other thread (or every thread that anyone mentions PHX) isn't going to change anyones opinions. Angles can make any city look great, angles can also make any city look bad... PHX just isn't a great urban center and I get it, your defensive and you love the city and I get that, but fighting everyones opinions just isn't going to help/change anything.

Obviously most people on here live in or have been to cities with much more dramatic skylines or urban centers, otherwise there wouldn't be a majority of people who disagree with you so much.

So not bashing phoenix, but just being realistic without sounding like a homer...

Sorry, I know I sound like a dick, but I find it frustrating that half the threads are just you being extremely defensive for pages upon pages without making any progress...
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