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Old Posted Jul 2, 2019, 7:44 PM
blueandgoldguy blueandgoldguy is offline
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Originally Posted by logan5 View Post
The cap is having too much of an effect on what moves teams have to make. You get 2 great players on your team and you're scrambling to make room for the rest. You shouldn't have to do that with only 2 or 3 elite players. It's kind of like a communist league now where everybody has to share the wealth way too much. You look at a team like the Oilers - you've got a ton of money invested in McDavid and Draisaitl, and 1 bad signing and they are screwed, and they are not even a good team. I know the cap will go up when the new TV contract comes up, but I just see it as the elite players getting a raise, and we are back to the same issue of being able to get good support players.
In fairness the Oilers had several bad signings and that is why they are in the situation they are currently in. What is hamstringing teams is the recent phenomena of RFAs receiving huge second contracts that appear to be almost UFA-like. Second contracts use to be far cheaper a few years ago.
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