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Old Posted Jul 2, 2019, 6:34 PM
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logan5 logan5 is offline
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The cap is having too much of an effect on what moves teams have to make. You get 2 great players on your team and you're scrambling to make room for the rest. You shouldn't have to do that with only 2 or 3 elite players. It's kind of like a communist league now where everybody has to share the wealth way too much. You look at a team like the Oilers - you've got a ton of money invested in McDavid and Draisaitl, and 1 bad signing and they are screwed, and they are not even a good team. I know the cap will go up when the new TV contract comes up, but I just see it as the elite players getting a raise, and we are back to the same issue of being able to get good support players.
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