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Old Posted Jun 3, 2019, 3:30 PM
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Originally Posted by suburbanite View Post
Your passport isn't taped to your forehead as you travel around foreign countries, it's purely a method of entry. How does anyone know your Canadian and not American once you pass through customs?

Measuring passport strength is usually done by assessing the number countries that can be entered without a visa. The most developed Asian countries rank at the top of the list (Japan, Korea, Singapore), and the U.S. is still above Canada.
Well, the difference between the Canadian and U.S. passports in visa-free access is exactly *1* country. Not sure which one it is but I'd hardly call that a significant difference.

I am not saying it's bad to travel on an American passport, but terrorists have been known to target passengers on cruise ships and airplanes based on passports (Israel, USA, etc.). Slim chance, I know, but if we're having the discussion.

Also, in more than a few countries you need to leave your passport at the hotel reception or present it under other circumstances as well while travelling.

But again, I don't think it's bad travelling on a U.S. passport.
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