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Old Posted May 28, 2019, 1:11 AM
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Originally Posted by esquire View Post
I'm not saying that the punch was justified
That's good, because the kid would likely have committed first degree murder if he felt it was.

In Thunder Bay, a lot of racist apologists tried to argue that this kid was "justified" in assaulting a woman (who later died from injuries sustained in the assault) because she had (allegedly) assault him earlier in the week.

However, that would mean that he likely planned to carry a weapon with him, and purposefully sought out the individual to kill them. First degree murder, not second, which is what he was eventually charged with.

Throws the racists heads for a fucking loop when I explain this to them. In their mind, it's not first degree murder to seek out and kill native people. Except when you walk them through it, they realize it is.

Then they change the subject and never bring up anything related to racism or natives when they're near me again, it's fucking awesome. I wield power.
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