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Old Posted May 27, 2019, 4:30 PM
CoryB CoryB is offline
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Originally Posted by Bluenote View Post
Give it a rest....
The south is built up to the perimeter highway. The north is not efen close.
If you were even remotely informed about what is happening south of Portage Ave it would be worth listening to what you might have to say.

Originally Posted by Bluenote View Post
The land you keep talking about it NOT in the city limits. Its just tax evading folks. There should be no permits issued by the provincr in these areas for developments.
Doesn't matter which local government the land is listed under. It is going to get developed if there is demand. You don't want to see it developed you clearly know how to you should be writing to and it isn't this forum. Just because it is "not in city limits" hasn't stopped countless other rural residential developments from happening just outside the Perimeter, or even inside the Perimeter like the new one in East St Paul.

Originally Posted by Bluenote View Post
Pipeline should never habe happened, same as Gunn. Gunn can be rerouted. Pipeline since its already a cluster mess can get a flyover.
Both Pipeline and Gunn Rd are 2 km or more from the nearest alternative access point. As I said, I don't care on St Anne's either way but it sets the standard for ALL the Perimeter and where grade separated access points will happen. You want to hate Pipeline and Gunn Rd? Call your MLA today and tell them to no waste money on St Annes Rd and close its access to the Perimeter ASAP.

Originally Posted by Bluenote View Post
But deal with it already [b] the north side has extreme rush hour traffic. Its the side of the city growing the fastests, its also The main bypass route and 59 from to HWY 1 for commercial truck traffic, which is alot of traffic. and is just as heavy traffic as number 1 highway.
Made a couple edits to help you out with your ignorance and misinformation.

Originally Posted by Bluenote View Post
In the north you have an over built 59 multi million overpass already. To serve basically beach traffic.
Number 6 is not as busy as people think. But it deserves a interchange.
Yet more of your ignorance showing through in all its glory.

The north Perimeter between Henderson and Route 90/HWY 6 is consistently over 24,000 with the second busiest segment of the entire Perimeter being Main to McPhillips at 26,460. The busiest segment is Portage to Roblin at 27,900. Traffic count at St Annes? It is actually lower than the traffic count at Pipeline.

Want to make yourself more informed before posting again go to the source:

U of Manitoba Transport Information Group - Published August 2018

Originally Posted by Bluenote View Post
I can go back years for your hatred for the south, every post about the perimeter its bash the south, pipeline and gun need interchanges and we the people of oakbank want out super highway.........
No hatred of the south. Just posting actual FACTS about the traffic volume on the Perimeter and real collisions resulting in DEATHS not minor fender benders like St Marys. Also if you actually read my posts as you claim you have you will know I will likely never drive the new HYW 15 to Oak Bank but it is a proposal from your own highways department about 25 years back. It is the only two lane Provincal highway in the Winnipeg capital region with traffic counts over 10,000. All the others are twinned (four lanes) for segments with that traffic count. Your argument isn't with me it is with FACTS and STATISTICS

Originally Posted by Bluenote View Post
Everyone that thinks st annes is a joke. I dare you all at peak rush hour to take route 90 to perimeter, then go east to 59, let me know how many times you are backed up for kms while tradfic is flying up behind you at 110 or more. Also note the long back up of cars all turning onto st marys and st annes.
Been on ALL segments of the Perimeter many times of day and my experience mostly reflects what the traffic counts show with one exception -- 59 to HWY 15. The challenge there is the limited access points and people far exceeding the speed limit (ie 120+ range) and an at-grade intersection without even a traffic signal. At minimum it needs a stop light there. Don't want more stop lights on the Perimeter? I support that too, build the full interchange that location needs. Yes, Gunn Rd doesn't need a full interchange but the CPT build out is going to connect there same as the Headingley and St Norbert by-pass routes are being planned for future roads. It is matches how 101/59 sat for a generation waiting on the future roads.
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