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Old Posted Jan 10, 2019, 6:58 PM
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MolsonExport MolsonExport is offline
The Vomit Bag.
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Originally Posted by Proof Sheet View Post
If I'd known about that last summer I would have detoured from my Calgary-Banff and points west drive. I seem to recall that the traffic westbound on the trans canada westbound that day was heavy.

It beats the Montreal challenger in sheer size but the Montreal example is easier to view.
that Montreal Monstrosity is probably owned by this guy, who makes his dough selling warehouse space in soul-sucking retirement homes.

le droit

Dans une décision rendue ce matin, la Cour d'appel du Québec rejette la demande du propriétaire des Résidences Soleil, Eddy Savoie, qui contestait une décision rendue par un juge de première instance et l'obligeait à verser 300 000$ en dommages moraux et punitifs à Pierrette Thériault-Martel, la fille d'une ancienne résidente qu'il avait poursuivie abusivement.
Translation In a decision rendered this morning, the Quebec Court of Appeal dismissed the application of the owner of the Residences Soleil, Eddy Savoie, who challenged a trial judge's decision and required him to pay $300 000 in moral and punitive damages to Pierrette Thériault-Martel, the daughter of a former resident whom he had wrongfully pursued.

Pierrette's mom is begging for release, beseeching Gilles.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. (Bertrand Russell)
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