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Old Posted Jan 3, 2019, 1:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Steely Dan View Post
within the next year, the US will have built more 700+ footers in the first 2 decades of this century than it did in the entire 20th century.

the big difference this time around of course is NYC's current skyscraper building boom. it's off the charts relative to the rest of the nation. chicago is certainly holding its own, and miami is the big new comer to the top of the list

I think it's noteworthy, especially since people have been saying for years that the skyscraper is "dead", as more companies moved to suburban office parks. And that sentiment only got worse after 9/11. But surprise, surprise, the skyscraper is alive and well. And booming around the world. Not only have we seen so many tall buildings built in the US, but record numbers are being built around the world. The skyscraper is here to stay.
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“Office buildings are our factories – whether for tech, creative or traditional industries we must continue to grow our modern factories to create new jobs,” said United States Senator Chuck Schumer.
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