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Old Posted Oct 1, 2018, 6:21 PM
DancingDuck DancingDuck is offline
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Originally Posted by windypeg View Post
Yes but the UofM has a track record of absolutely abysmal land use, sprawling suburban designs and lots of parking - look at the "smart" park. I thought they already picked a winning submission for the site and it was basically just a bunch of Le Corbusier "towers in a park", and they rejected several proposals that looked like an actual neighbourhood grid on the site. I have zero faith in the site being used to it's full potential with UofM at the helm. I mean the Southwood lands are the same size as the entire existing campus minus the stadium and smartpark - the fact that they need so much land seems indicative of how inefficiently they plan on using it.
The U of M isn't planning on using the golf course to expand the campus, the long term plan is to create an entirely new neighborhood, with medium density development (4-6 floors with commercial on the bottom).

I posted the plan earlier, and while it's obviously not set in stone, it's encouraging to see the University focus on densifying the campus and smart park.

Here it is again:
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