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Old Posted Sep 27, 2018, 4:55 PM
kcantor kcantor is offline
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Originally Posted by Mikemike View Post
the golf cart was tongue-in-cheek, but it's what airports do to make their much longer distances and often tight schedules work - and they'll often push a wheelchair for those who request it. It's unnecessary at RAM but it's certainly possible.

In cases like 240's inlaws having underground accessible parking located under city hall or at the library doesn't require an additional transfer beyond the one getting out of the car - I know that in winter I would rather make that transfer in a heated underground parkade a half-block over and push the wheelchair than make the attempt in a potentially icy surface parking spot no matter how close to the front door that space may be.
you don't need to keep proving that you don't really know what you're talking/posting about.
"If you did not want much, there was plenty." Harper Lee
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