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Old Posted Aug 28, 2018, 2:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Bdog View Post
I think you're missing my point completely Vike. Of COURSE able bodied people should advocate for accessible design, and many of us DO. Some accessibility advocates are frustrated because they feel that Portage and Main is a relatively lower priority in terms of accessibility issues, especially in that exact vicinity. They haven't been able to enjoy restaurants within 2 blocks of Portage and Main, or even accept certain jobs in the Exchange because of the inaccessibility issues. The Open side is passionate that it takes those with mobility issues 9 minutes to cross from 201 Portage to BMO? Well, we hope to see the same passion for those who can't enter a building in 90 minutes, because there are no lifts, elevators, or ramps.

Some feel, rightly or wrongly, that the Open Campaign has co-opted accessibility for those with mobility issues as their central theme, but that it's disingenuous. Hopefully this sudden outpouring of support for "accessibility" will continue after the referendum, and we'll continue to see that passion so that people in wheelchairs can actually enjoy EVERY building in the Exchange once they cross the street!
Considering that the number one heritage building in the province successfully integrated a wheelchair ramp several years ago, it's clear that it can be done anywhere. There is no real dispute here... you are engaging in an argument all by yourself.
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