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Old Posted Aug 28, 2018, 4:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Geebrr View Post
Yet they do not really do that at the 8 lanes of traffic going up Portage.

I swear, the logic that some people have makes me question how the majority of people function day to day.

Screw the barriers, get rid of Portage and Main as an intersection all together and make it a pedestrian only public space.

Sick of these whiny suburbanites who never leave their area or vehicle. They complain about downtown, yet fight tooth and nail to oppose anything to improve it.

I want road repairs placed 100% on gas at the pump as a tax. How about that? I am tired of fixing roads for people too lazy to find transit options outside their own vehicle.
When infrastructure that is well designed is created people will behave. When the demographics of those able to access the intersection is broadened ie pedestrians, cyclists, motorists people will adapt and follow the rules like every other intersection in the city.
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