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Old Posted Jul 24, 2018, 5:11 PM
AwesomeSAView AwesomeSAView is offline
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Originally Posted by JRG1974 View Post
OSHA currently does not have designated heat standards that would cause the shutdown of a site. If they did, you could not build anything in Arizona from June to September. It is the discretion of the contractor and possibly the owner (depending on the structure of the contract).

They will make sure to have plenty of cold water onsite and sometimes provide little packets that will replenish electrolytes.

At the end of the day, these guys are paid for the hours they work. If you want to see real heat, tell these guys that they have to go home because it is too hot outside. They are used to working in these conditions. If the project is large enough, there will be a safety guy(s) on site that will look to monitor for heat stress, and it will be stressed in the morning safety meeting. They will also take more breaks. They can even do things like start the work day earlier and leave before the heat peaks. But they won't shut the site down.
IMO, the media hypes up the HEAT!!!
As you say, just take precautions, hello!!!!
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