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Old Posted Jul 17, 2018, 6:48 PM
Bcasey25raptor's Avatar
Bcasey25raptor Bcasey25raptor is offline
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BC is a very divided province I find, I find our left here is more left than elsewhere while our right tends to be more economically right then elsewhere while being socially moderate to Liberal.

I grew up in Kelowna, a city many here would call conservative as hell, and you know what? it DOES vote right in every election.

But thats with low turnout and almost no one I knew there liked the BC Liberals/Federal Conservatives. In fact the latter so much there was a strong movement to elect Stephen fuhr in 2015 which was successful.

Kelowna is often thrown into the bible belt and compared with conservatives parts of the US but that wasn't my experience there at all, most people hated Harper when I lived there viewing him as destroying Canada's reputation, many were conservatives who bought the Canadian progressive narrative and reputation, they merely only wanted lower taxes.

BC is the most secular province in Canada with the lowest level of christian residents and highest level of non religious people, as a non religious individual in Kelowna most people under 40 I knew were also non religious, heck everyone even my grandmother didn't care about religion, and most people were certainly socially liberal.

The BC interior is conservative yes but many here are acting as if it's deep south style social conservative when it really isn't.

As for why the Canadian alliance was successful? A LOT of protest votes against the Liberals and provincial NDP at the time, really all it amounts to.
River District Big Government progressive
~ Just Watch me
- Pierre Elliot Trudeau
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