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Old Posted Mar 20, 2018, 9:44 AM
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optimusREIM optimusREIM is offline
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Originally Posted by headhorse View Post
i disagree that "the state" is oppressive, the problem is the state we have now oppresses the majority for the benefit of the few. the issue isn't the "state", it's who has power in the state. and again, your silly ideas of private property.. how does a free society have areas where you can't go to access the things you need to survive? the entire idea of private property is oppressive because by offering land and thus resources to a select few who have the means to own it, you're depriving others of using it for their guaranteed human rights to food/water/shelter. if someone owns all the water sources in Canada at some point and refuses anyone access to the water, how is that conducive to a free society?
Just an observation but I don't recall any of those things mentioned in the Canadian charter of Rights and Freedoms. None of the sections address that. So no, in short, those are not guaranteed human rights. Not in Canada anyway.

Taking a law abiding citizen's freedom away arbitrarily, no matter how justified it may seem, is not conducive to a free society either. The law exists to protect citizens from that sort of oppressive governmental action. The Magna Carta , you may have heard of it (kinda an important moment in history) was signed so that the private land owners back in the 13th century didn't get their land randomly taken from them by the crown for no reason. This is the basis for all human rights today. Private land ownership is fundamental to human rights.

Last edited by optimusREIM; Mar 20, 2018 at 9:49 AM. Reason: Had something to add
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