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Old Posted Mar 20, 2018, 1:42 AM
Tacheguy Tacheguy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 897
the way " you, and a majority of Canadians" want to interpret Treaties doesn't matter a flying fuck. Look at how the Supreme Court interprets them consistently. you could start with Sioui (1990) which states that " treaties and statutes relating to Indians should be liberally construed and uncertainty resolved in favour of the Indians". The Supreme Court has consistently ruled along those lines on other cases.

you could also read the Constitution act and Charter to realize that the special legal rights that flow from treaties cannot be overturned by majority opinion.

education is the key. I am no expert but I know enough to realize that Canadians have to get their heads around this reality and deal with it in good faith. I plan to buy the book Headhorse recommended and I thank him for that.
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