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Old Posted Jan 30, 2018, 4:32 PM
toddguy toddguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Crawford View Post
Urbanism is about more than population density. I think that's the general point.

Example- Cincy has no real high density tracts, but the built form in the most urban neighborhoods is extremely high quality:!8i6656

It's not because they're Latino; it's indicative of high household sizes.

A random suburban street in Orange County, CA can have high density if a bunch of immigrants are stuffing into tract houses. Few would argue that suburban OC is more urban than Cincy because you have multiple generations in every tract house.
Just a few miles from where I grew up there was a large apartment complex that was built in the 60's-over 1700 2-3 story mostly two bedroom units on 92 acres. At one point when it became a haven for immigrants there were nearly 6,000 people living there. And with it's setback buildings and courts and loops lined with parking spaces it was anything but urban-it did not even have sidewalks and it still doesn't.
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