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Old Posted Dec 6, 2017, 3:51 PM
BrianTH BrianTH is offline
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Our public authorities have completed their new sweetheart deal for the Penguins, thereby officially taking ownership of this debacle:


Mr. Williams said the Penguins are ready to roll. “We are turning the page and are ready to move forward on the next stage of development,” he said. That will start Wednesday evening when the team and St. Louis-based developer McCormack Baron Salazar host a design workshop and charrette involving the first 250 of the 1,000 residential units to be built at the site near Crawford Square. . . .

The current plan calls for McCormack Baron to build the first 250 apartments units in a four- to five-story building. The KBK team will follow with another 250 units in a similarly sized building on an adjacent parcel in the second phase. Another 500 units will be developed by McCormack Baron on the upper part of the site abutting Crawford Street and Bedford Avenue in the third phase.
Raise your hand if you think this will end up looking anything like the cool, innovative BIG plan, versus the generic developments on the same scale we have seen lately across the City.
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