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Old Posted Dec 6, 2017, 3:21 PM
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Originally Posted by eschaton View Post
That's actually a three-unit, according to the assessor's site. It's owned by the Highland Park Community Development Corporation, so my guess is it's vacant. It was built some time between 1900 and 1910 judging by the historic maps, so it must have just been horrendously remuddled at some point, not intended to be brutalist.
Right, it's definitely an old building that was bizarrely transformed in the drug-induced 60s or 70s. Here's a shot of the monstrosity and the lot to the left where the townhomes are to be built.

I lived on Mellon years ago, and that building always stood out as a "wtf were they thinking with that?" whenever I passed by.

It's almost as if the new townhomes are attempting to incorporate the "architectural style" of it into their design...

Anyway, it's good to see Highland Park really coming back. It's probably my favorite neighborhood overall in Pittsburgh. When I lived there, it was rough if you were a block or so west of Highland. Now, the prices I see there are astounding (even for houses that require significant structural renovations). Based on the Subaru and BMW in the above rendering, it looks like the developers are trying to attract a different demographic than who lives there now...
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