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Old Posted Nov 7, 2017, 4:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Scarface View Post
I love the Render but have little to no faith in any of Valmond's projects as well look at 25 Dominion the building that was suposed to be built on the other lot High St. never happend, and this is the second, or third project for the Harper land? I guess we will see once it happens but I have my doubts it will happen.

Also I seen the blured logo, and it does seem like the double tree logo but it might not be that, and just blured out in that way.
I understand the cynicism, especially given Valmond's other proposals for this site, but I dunno, this just feels different. I honestly believe there may be something afoot this time.

Valmond's previous efforts were heavily tied to condo proposals, which need presales in order to get financing from the banks, or to federal office space (which moved elsewhere). This time, he is proposing a hotel. The renders seem pretty detailed. There is a possible brand name attached (DoubleTree), and he has gone to great lengths to appease the disgruntled neighbours. As such, this proposal seems a lot more solid.

I'm not saying that shovels will be in the ground in the springtime, but I am a lot more interested in this proposal than I was in his previous proposals; where after a rendering was released, nothing was heard again.......
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