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Old Posted Oct 11, 2017, 4:11 AM
marothisu marothisu is offline
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Originally Posted by 10023 View Post
^ It's a positive thing that this part of River North is basically a sea of parking garages with no street life?
LOL I lived just 2 streets north of this for 8 years until semi recently and you couldn't be any further from the truth when you say "no street life" - there definitely is all around there. You need to learn more about the area if that's what you actually think. Now, if you were talking about at 3am, then you'd have a point - it gets quiet, but during a nice weekend day/evening in the summer there's numerous people out there. It's definitely not quiet in reality.

And this site is only 1-2 blocks from the site I was talking about which was denied. It's very close.
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