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Old Posted Jul 25, 2017, 10:48 PM
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KevinFromTexas KevinFromTexas is offline
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Austin <------------> Birmingham?
Posts: 57,332
Did I mention that I like this building? Because I do.

Anyway, on Austin's skyline's pattern of progression and our seeming propensity for plateauedness, it seems to me that throughout its history, at least in modern times, (you know, since the 70s haha), that Austin's skyline has grown in tiers. First, it was a new level (literally) of downtown development when we stepped up to 300+ feet with 200 footers filling in some gaps, and the two made up the bulk of our skyline until the 80s. In the 80s it was like the 70s, but on steroids with many more 300 footers and 200 footers adding more bulk. The 90s were uneventful without a single 200 footer finished that decade. The last two decades, though, has seen our skyline again take another step up where we saw 400 footers really for the first time (since it wasn't until only a few years ago that we realized the One American Center is actually 401 feet). There was even a 500 footer in the mix (Frost), but the bulk of what we got was 400 feet, a step up from the 80s. Now it seems like we might be in for a new era where we see more 500 footers filling things in a bit as the 400 footers did before and more 600 footers crowning that darn plateau. It has me wondering what the next decade or two will bring and how many more 600 footers and possibly 700 footers and even 800 footers we'll see. Our skyline has grown exponentially over the years even on a consistent level of progression of height. I don't think that we'll be stuck with this 400 foot plateau forever (obviously). I think it's just that 400 feet is a such a step up from 300 feet that it's much more noticeable, even from my neighborhood.
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