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Old Posted Jul 1, 2017, 3:37 AM
khabibulin khabibulin is offline
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OSMO and the Argos

Wow! You really changed your tune from last week!

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A far better start than last year...
Small crowd but everyone there was invested and into it 100%. We had a booth again this game and have started a deal to be there half the season. This crowd was smaller but WAY more intense. You had no part-time fans there and it was all CFL diehards. I watched all the 4th quarter and crowd was rocking. I don't think the Argos will peak above this gate (16K), but it is much better to have all the fsns there fully invested versus a bunch of passive types on their phone the whole game which was common last year (I suspect less freebies are out this year).

I admit I had s good time. I miss football and sun on my face so you might even catch me at a game this year.
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