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Old Posted Mar 27, 2017, 2:39 AM
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Originally Posted by drummer View Post
I remember the first time I went to NYC (this is relevant to Austin, trust me). I was maybe 12 years old and I went with family. We took a tour of the city and one of the guides was talking about life in such a large city with such density, etc. He made the point that if everyone lived like we did in Texas (because we all have 50+ acres, but the point is still relevant, haha), where would all of these millions of people live? How much land would that take up? Resources? etc.? That's what convinced me that density is good in general - but not necessarily for everyone. I'm not sure I understand the blanket argument against density. IF a person doesn't want to live that way, I'm fine with them in the suburbs or with a larger chunk of land somewhere. However, IF others want to live that way, why on earth would you stop them? If it's in your neighborhood and it adds 10,000 cars per day on the roads (that's a joke directed at the neighbors of One Two East, btw), then I can understand some concern...but do some research and actual critical thinking. I don't get it. Austin and other cities just continue to shoot themselves in the foot. That's why I brought up the idea of slow positive thinking and understanding with regard to denser development in cities in general. It pains me to see how far we need to come, however....

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