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Old Posted Sep 19, 2016, 10:53 PM
wwmiv wwmiv is online now
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This is a much more realistic, if just as futuristic, proposal than the gondola system. However, it does suffer from some of the same political problems as the gondola system as I'd mentioned before and some of the same mode-specific problems that both Novacek and I have pointed out. I'd be more interested in seeing where this goes, but it'd need to have more capacity per vehicle than 6 to get off the ground I think. You'd need 20 people per vehicle at least to make the upkeep costs worth it (lower capacity means more vehicles, means more moving parts per passenger, means more upkeep costs, and therefore more subsidy-per-rider), but then does that affect whether the vehicles can be powered forward or not? There are some really interesting questions to be asked here.

Last edited by wwmiv; Sep 19, 2016 at 11:12 PM.
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