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Old Posted May 2, 2016, 9:32 PM
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NYguy NYguy is offline
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Ross also said earlier that the structure would "contain more people" than the Eiffel Tower. Still trying to get a visual on it, but with the steady stream of people coming from the High Line alone, this will become a major draw.

His latest project for the Hudson Yards on the Far West Side of Manhattan may become a new city landmark; for now it remains shrouded in secrecy. Stephen M. Ross, chairman of Related Companies, a Hudson Yards developer, compared it to the Eiffel Tower in Fortune magazine two years ago, but one person who saw the design at that time described a concept much more grandiose than the developers’ original idea for a sculpture on a plaza fronting Hudson Yards’ vertical mall.

Mr. Heatherwick envisioned a “vessel” that could occupy a large part of the plaza, shot through with dozens of stairways. Shaped like a chalice, it would rise higher than the adjacent, cavernous Culture Shed, the 100-foot-high international arts center also planned for Hudson Yards. Related and the co-developer, Oxford Properties, refuse to discuss Mr. Heatherwick’s design.
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