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Old Posted Mar 29, 2016, 5:00 PM
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ivanwolf ivanwolf is offline
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Originally Posted by ivanwolf View Post
Nice height for such a small lot.

So the UT office building is like 20 stories and only 270' high but its a half block. 9 floors garage the rest lobby and office if I remember right.

So this may be 12-15 floors garage and the same 12-15 floors office on a quarter lot. 100' higher.

I just think the 3 elevators located at the front of the building is interesting, odd placing or maybe glass ones to ride in and see out?

Remember the north wall should be blank and ugly, the alley wall likely not much better.
So I will gloat a little and say I called it on the elevators at the front being glass and see through up the building.

This should have been half underground parking, this is just a ugly podium!

The top glass is cool, I like it, it should have continued down around the podium maybe like 5th/Colorado does but with the angular glass.

I give them props for not making another skinny 5th/Colorado but come on make the podium look better.

The north wall is blank and ugly because it abuts another property that can be torn down and build touching it. Think Plaza Lofts near Republic park, their East wall is what this North wall has to deal with. At least they put a design on it a little.
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