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Old Posted Mar 18, 2016, 10:51 PM
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biguc biguc is offline
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I'll be watching this thread with a keen eye. As an outsider, I don't see the appeal of Brad Wall--it's easy to live fat and talk shit about the rest of the country when you're raking in free money. But it seems that both of our provinces have some pitiful options when it comes to provincial politics.

Originally Posted by Treesplease View Post
A lot of people have been advocating for a savings fund for resource revenues - some smart people that I respect. But I don't get it. What are the merits of saving when you are still paying interest on x$billion in debt. Are you going to realize more on investment than you are paying in interest? Maybe but I don't want my tax dollars taking those kind of risks. Definately pay off the debt and hold taxes firm until debt is paid off and then start saving but I don't see the value until then. Alberta certainly could have spent a lot less, kept taxes higher and had a significant heritage fund in place but they blew it.
You're right, of course, but the takeaway from every single peak and valley in resource prices is that resource revenue is a windfall, and using it to deleverage is smart.
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