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Old Posted Jan 21, 2016, 8:35 PM
drumz0rz drumz0rz is offline
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Originally Posted by jsr View Post
Would you want the patrons of One World Observatory staring into your posh highrise digs all day long?
Ingels was more than eager to take on the challenge. “It’s like playing Twister with a 1,300-foot high-rise,” he says. Many structural elements of the skyscraper came predetermined by the intricate underground architecture of the property, which was set in place by Port Authority and Libeskind’s master plan. Mechanical equipment, like air vents for Calatrava’s station, are positioned on the existing foundations and had to be incorporated into Ingels’ building.
I wonder if it got to the point that the NYPD veto'd Ingels' plan to play twister with the columns to line them up with the existing foundation? Considering how they forced a complete redesign of 1 WTC, I could imagine them having issues with a foundation that might have any vulnerable weaknesses. That could have been a driver as to why they realized that to build BIG's design they'd have to start over from scratch and thus killed the deal...